Virtuemart Merchant Connect - Virtuemart Extensions - Virtuemart Components

Posted by Unknown on 2/28/13

Virtuemart Merchant Connect - Virtuemart Extensions - Virtuemart Components

Anymore, today, it is not enough to simply have the product supply store. While you want to maintain a competitive edge, if you rely on the acquisition of new customers through the Internet, then there is no way through the vendors there, compare prices products / large online such as Google Merchant Center please. If you've been looking for easy to handle components for your Joomla! Now, Web page using the Virtuemart online store of you, you've found what you're looking for: more convenient, VirtueMart Yagendoo component Merchant Connect is the rate at which different portal to be able to easily connect Virtuemart your Store behavior.

The Merchant Yagendoo VirtueMart component Connect, you can manage the product easily. In order to compare prices online, you will get a plug-in local government and private section for each product or service provider. By using an outline of the table, your product which can be compared to a specific provider and the shop Virtuemart your specific product to be active or inactive, and results in the online publication of the target.

To often fluctuates attention, or additional properties described in more detail, and I are assigned to the product. Let's color as an example. Google provides an element of color to set the target product, the Google Merchant Center product imported food. This is a presentation of the benefits of your product. Because the Virtuemart once, assign a color to your product, you specify the color in the merchant section of Virtuemart Yagendoo Connect, you can be added to food.

While you may need it to go along with the title of a key word several suppliers frequently, one problem level and found that it is the title self-explanatory in the store own more Please compare the price / online product on a large scale. Product overview, you can each title is displayed in the input field, change within a few seconds. In your Virtuemart shop without them - of course, this change will affect the product's name in the / csv file food. Further, in this configuration, you can select children product whether displayed.

Quickly and efficiently, to export the product of your Virtuemart online store easily. Please use Connect Merchant Yagendoo Virtuemart component!

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