NEW! With the exclusive new Virtuemart Points Prediction module, customers are leaded to purchase! It predicts not only the current cart points or the product poin in the detail page but even the bonuses, related to customers and related to orders!
Virtuemart reward points extension manages loyalties points in j2.5/vm 2.x (also available for j1.5/vm1.1.x). Earn points from orders and use points to discount new orders. It can also build a professional "credit points system*" fotolia-like (*optional with Credit points plugin)
Earn points from total order amount and/or from products custom points. Points bonuses for orders quantity, first orders, birthday period and up to 4 promotional times (with daily optional exclusion) earning ratio modification, and many other bonuses, as the optional Review Points Plugin.
Customers manage points as chips to use in the cart. You can convert points to chips and reconvert chips to points. Chips can only discart new orders, up to 99.9% so you make sure customers can not pay total amount with points. (you pay with points with the optional credit points plugin).
The extension can restore previous points for refunded orders and has a new, robust, multi-language options for sending to customers beautiful html/plain emails, both on earning than in changing chips, with support for variables as {username} {points} and so on.
It works automatically with web-payment (as paypal, when you set the right IPN (or the silent post) provided with the instructions, they auto-switch orders from pending to confirmed and the extension store the new points and inform the customer.
The new Virtuemart Reward Points extension supports the Virtuemart Credit Points plugin, to build a complete credit points system from purchasing credits and pay with credits.
Virtuemart reward points extensions inherit itself in alpha user points if you install it. It inherits also the AUP users administration! It is compatible with AWO coupon, both free and pro version.
See the complete list of features on the website where it's installed and follow the "live-demo" procedure to earn points and change in chip (that can be used to buy the extension with discount.)
Read More: Virtuemart Extensions
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