Joomla Extensions - Content Templater

Posted by Unknown on 3/13/13

Content Templater - predefined content.

The content Templater, you can create reusable content of the predefined templates.

Not only can you conduct a complete standard page layouts, you can also use the contents of the text fragments Templater. Therefore, any piece of text you want to use more than once, as long as its content template! You can also set almost all the content options.

In the editor, you will get a list of available templates. If you choose a template, predefined content will be pasted in your articles or other content. And all the options in the template will be automatically set (such as the title, alias, publishing settings, show icons settings.)

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NoNumber extension requires PHP 5.3 +
View the higher requirements: # requirements

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Do not use the comments below support requests or questions. Tons.
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Joomla Extensions - Sourcerer

Posted by Unknown on 3/11/13

Source - any code anywhere.

Sourcerer, PHP and HTML style code (including CSS and JavaScript) contents in any form! Not only in your articles, but also in part, classes, modules, components, META tags, and so on.

Now you can be the original code into your WYSIWYG editor. The only thing you need to do is source code around the People tab. Easy Peasy!

So now you can also use PHP scripts in your content. This opens a lot of possibilities.

Most of the Joomla! Text editor of your HTML code, such as JavaScript code (think of statistics scripts) and movie embed tags stripping section. With Sourcerer, you will not have these restrictions.

Easy-to-use editor button
Sourcerer is a very easy to use editor button. This will help you to paste your code in a clean format, and will not cause any problems. With syntax coloring (PHP, JS, CSS, HTML).

More information:

NoNumber extension requires PHP 5.3 +
View the higher requirements: # requirements

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Do not use the comments below support requests or questions.
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Joomla Extensions - sigplus

Posted by Unknown

sigplus Image Gallery Plus is an easy way to add a Joomla article, picture or photo galleries a simple syntax. It takes just a few minutes to create a gallery, but those who are looking for a powerful gallery solution will not be disappointed: sigplus is suitable for beginners and advanced users.

Although it is easy to use, sigplus provides an impressive function. Planting and / or centering automatically generate suitable for gallery preview picture by clicking on the image, a pop-up window overlay (so-called favorites) shows the original full-size image, without leaving the current page. The picture in the gallery can be displayed in the layout of the fixed or mobile, they can be displayed in the slider or carousel / rotation, image fusion into another fancy transition effects. Highly configurable appearance and behavior, including image margin, border, padding, slider / rotation direction (horizontal or vertical), the speed of the animation, slide delay, image sort order, etc..

Despite its versatility, sigplus is completely free of charge. This is a full-fledged product includes all the features, there is no need to buy a business professional extra features or purchase club membership, giving you additional privileges.

Translation: English, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak and Spanish * (asterisk indicates front-end). The the JOOMLA1.5 users should install plg_sigplus 1.3.x version the (optional mod_sigplus the 1.3.x) Joomla2.5, and later users should use the installer package pkg_sigplus-1.4.x version (click on "Download" in the series the latest version of the release date for maximum compatibility).
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Joomla Extensions - AdsManager

Posted by Unknown

The classification has a specific function of the components:
- PMS integration
- Automatically create an account
- Select the classified section
- Advertising expired
- Advanced Search
- Show your ad bar (check box, select the text field, quantity, etc.).
- Full integration with Community Builder
- Personnalize (the number of columns, etc. ..)
- Required fields
- Spam protection: Pictures of the e-mail or e-mail
- Display field, one can make.
- Unlimited number of categories and category level
- Dynamic page title
- Multiple languages: English, French
- Full configuration: ads auto-publish, contact information registered ..
- E-mail notifications
- Assign as many images you want an ad -
- Users can edit / delete their own ads
- Advertising menu display module list
- Advertising module: ads appearing randomly latest ad
- Cache Management
- SEF may
- Restrict the advertising of users
- Visitors can post ads partakers
- Ligthbox integration
- PMS integration

More people, just test it on this site!
If you are looking for a classification of components, you are in the right place!
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Joomla Extensions - Page Peel Banner

Posted by Unknown

- For Joomla1.7 the native version, of course, is available for download Joomla2.5! -

Page peel banner candy Joomla is an advertising system based on (flash version) core JOOMLA module combination, using jQuery version (do not use flash needs to develop a the wonderful Pageear script)

Product Features:
+ New! Now there is an option to select based on jQuery than Flash-based animation.
+ A complex code transformation in order to obtain better performance
* Supported impression and click statistics JOOMLA banner through the core components
* Alternative image + link, if not the core Joomla banner
* Support *. jpg images and Flash Animation / *. swf file (it does not support GIF and PNG files)
* Enable / disable the page peel mirror option
* Pagepeel resizable
* Choose Select browser goals

The old version Joomla1.5 still available for download in our old club website.

In version 2.0 update log
+ Added option based on the jQuery animation
+ Completely new code transformation

In version 1.15 update log
* Fixed an error to open the Mac and Vista

New features in version 1.1
The * Pagepeel direction, the peel can open from the right or left
* Open Pagepeel, you can set the timing of this AutoOpen the pagepeel

March 24, 2008
Has been updated to version 1.1 for the Joomla1.5 the page peel

# 20 April 2008
Has been updated to version 1.1.1 for the Joomla1.5 the page peel. Fixed in the 1.1.1 version update log: problem the AutoOpen in Mac OSX and Vista

November 13, 2008
Has been updated to version 1.1.2 for the Joomla1.5 the page peel. Fixed in IE7 AutoOpen problem in the 1.1.2 version update log:
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Joomla Extensions - BreezingForms

Posted by Unknown

Tired of the limited form of managers it? Get the original!

The HTML5 upload progress, the front-end display / edit, Google spreadsheet drive, mobile support, Salesforce's Dropbox Mailchimp, multi-page, payment, conditional fields, theme, JOOMLA 3.0 ... see the video!

+ + Most innovative and powerful Joomla! + + + +

Tutorial video and demo:

# # # # # # #
Technical support and domain of our fair strategy = unlimited use + no limit
# # # # # # # # # # # # #

+ Without tedious HTML fiddle

+ Without extra pay additional features, it is an all-in-one.

+ Is easy to use, but it covers all forms of

+ Treatment in the form of a small complex form applications

+ Provides a good user experience

+ Provides three kinds of formal patterns - for everyone's taste

All three models share the same powers, but everyone has their own audience:

* QuickMode:
Non-programmers and people who want their forms completed quickly, but very nice form editor.

* EasyMode:
The editor in the form of the layout for the center to create a form. Very powerful, yet simple to use. Ideal choice for designers.

* ClassicMode:
A WYSIWYG editor, used to create the form. For technicians and fans FacileForms.

Important features:

* JOOMLA! 3.0/2.5/1.7/1.6/1.5 local
* HTML5/Flash upload progress, image preview and zoom options. The iPhone / iPad / Android support!
* Google spreadsheet-driven support
* Real phone support (created on the fly for desktop and mobile)
* Salesforce CRM integration (including custom objects)
Dropbox integration (including submitted files PDF, CSV, XML)
* MailChimp communications integration
, * _Really_ Powerful condition field, without the need for Javascript
* The front end / back-end editing: Open BreezingForms to use our extended ContentBuilder to become a powerful content building tools package (CCK):
* Simplified Email System
* PDF, CSV and XML export
* Many topics, including (QuickMode)
* "Character in the text region includes MAXLENGTH leave" Display
*: To create a summary page (including the calculation if you want)
* Integration - integration of other extensions
* Users can edit forms
* 18 and counting form items (from simple input verification code project)
* Multi-page form
* PayPal Direct Payment (Sofortüberweisung's)
* Verification Code / verification code
* Calendar items
Many of the pre-defined validation and action
* Custom scripts
* Unlimited reply field
* Reply Reply: attach files from your server address
* Selectable reply "
The edit Reply ToS we use the word, to restore the traces of "Terms of Use"
Reply to the filter
* Custom mail Topic
* Upload a domain administrator and the user's mail file attachments
* Management of multiple recipient notification message (theming)
* E-mail notification of user data
* Database storage
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Joomla Extensions - JoomGallery

Posted by Unknown

JoomGallery is a gallery component completely integrated into Joomla! Support the Joomla! 1.5.x version and Joomla! 2.5.x.

The features include, but are not limited to:

- Three sizes: thumbnail - detail image - automatically create original images (thumbnails and detailed images of the original image)

- The JavaScript box (Slimbox or Thickbox3) full-screen animation, the details of the other possibilities open or with the original image may be a clear new window, JavaScript window, DHTML container or any other method to add additional plug-ins (now Available Shadowbox, Highslide JS and RokBox's)

- Manifolds possibility of voting in the detailed view, comment, BBCode code for external links, Send to a Friend "feature, add name tags (" I "and also add name tags to other users), and a few transition the slideshow effect, micro thumbnail gallery of motion

- Can be configured watermark

- EXIF ​​and IPTC image data support

- Categories Joomla user group access rights

- The full implementation of the ACL Joomla! In 2.5.x

- Upload and classification of user-created

- Favorites: Users can store and download their favorite images (a zip archive)

- Choose to download a single image

- Cooliris support

- Support for Google Maps (geotagging)

- The location of the configuration of the host (the best view of the last supplement that last comment, the most popular)

- Upload the back-end and front-end possibilities: single upload, bulk upload (Zip), Java upload, FTP upload (only at the end of a back-end)

- GD, GD2 or ImageMagick image processing

- After adjustment of the details of the size of the image and the thumbnail

- Square thumbnails possible

- The possibility of using the content plugin, image and category descriptions

- JOOMLA crumbs expand

- Search function in the gallery

- Nested class of infinite possibilities

- CSS-based layout (no tables, as far as possible)

- MVC structured code template overlay for each view

- In the "Gallery" module position

- Several JoomGallery on certain events trigger the event, in order to interact with third-party extensions

- An interface (API) provides other extensions (plug-ins, modules, ...), the possibility to integrate JoomGallery content

- Huge third-party support: JoomGallery extensions available for many third-party extensions: Powered by Kunena get, Community Builder, Community Builder Enhanced JomSocial the AlphaUserPoints, JComments online, JomComment, XMAP, sh404SEF, Artio has JoomSEF SEFAdvanced, JoomFish verification code.

- The plug-in automatically create articles for displaying images or links content or user category

- Update Checker and a button to update all installed extensions JoomGallery

- Almost all functions and outputs can be turned off
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Joomla Extensions - ExtraWatch

Posted by Unknown

(Formerly known as JoomlaWatch)

Watch the behavior of your visitors and optimize your site. There are 38 world languages​​.

- The front counter - visit today, yesterday, this week, last week, this month, last month, total - then logged in user countries and visitors

- The live statistics show your visitors access valuable real-time statistics and maps. You can perform some useful operation from the instrument panel.

- History shows that the configuration of the previous visits. ExtraWatch more focused on the behavior of visitors, not retained too many visitors.

- Target allows you to track different types of user actions

- Graphics section contains page, the target user's daily and weekly bar chart .. etc

- Anti-spam - ​​contains a list of spam and blocked IP address

- E-mail part - allows you to configure a nightly email report

- "Settings" - select different configuration options and from 38 of the world's one of the languages

- Translation: Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Chinese simplified, traditional Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesia, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish language, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese

October 20, 2012:
- Increased compatibility with Joomla3.0
- Increase the free Android Market app that lets you access your Joomla backend ExtraWatch number click once on your home screen
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Joomla Extensions - Admin Tools

Posted by Unknown

Management tools for your website is a real Swiss Army knife. Management tools that we provide free core detection, notification, and install new Joomla! Version, repair your file and directory permissions, protect your system administrator directory with a password, change your database prefix, set a secure Super Administrator ID, migrate to the flight of the old domain, perform database maintenance, all the link points to a single click.

Written and maintained by the same developer Akeeba backup Joomla! Update component Joomla! 2.5.4 and later.

Note: a commercial version of the (professional) management tools and additional security-oriented features, you can also charge from our website. This list is a free version of the management tools, and core.

Note 2: The software is free, it is not supported. You need a valid subscription (7.79 euros), request support. However, its documentation, the troubleshooting wizard and searching the forum is free.
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Joomla Extensions - GCalendar

Posted by Unknown

Google Calendar GCalendar connect your Joomla-driven website. This is a set of extensions to your Google Calendar smooth integration into Joomla.
The easy-to-configure, AJAX and advanced caching mechanism proceeds through CSS-based customization and performance is the main goal of this extension.

The complete set contains different extensions, are listed here:

* The component is the the GCalendar package of the heart, and the main part in the display a different calendar.
* Upcoming events module shows the next event in your calendar list.
* GCalendar module in module position Google Calendar.
* Display a countdown timer, until the beginning of the next event, the next module.
* Search plug-ins add functionality to search for events.
* The next plugin embeds upcoming events article.

So, feel free to give it a try. If you have a question, do not hesitate to open a new post in the forum or if you need a feature!

Google yourself to see his calendar service:
Organize your schedule and share events with friends. Google's free online calendar, you can easily track the important events in the life, all in one place.
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Joomla Extensions - JoomSEF Free

Posted by Unknown

Component of search engine optimization to make your Joomla! URLs SEF (search engine friendly), easy understanding of the generating capacity and metadata. Supports multi-language website URL translation JoomFish / Falang. Online upgrade and expansion of the installation directory. Custom 404 page not found, copy the URL management.

Main features:
* Generate SEF URLs
* Advanced SEF URL management
* Generate and manage metadata (component-based -)
* Can generate coverage the default metadada component or Joomla (title, META tags)
* Keyword Management
* Repeated administration
* Third-level domain name support
* Support for other components through the expansion module; each component added configuration parameters
* Multi-language support (JoomFish) and URL localization
* UTF-8 URL support
* URL cache
* URL source tracing to help allocate code
* 301 redirect management
* 404 Not Found custom
* Online upgrade and expansion of the installation

Support many JOOMLA components: AdsManager, AlphaContent, Contacts XTD, Community Builder the Datso Gallery, DocMan, EZ estate, fire board forum, Glossary, iJoomla Components, JE Comparison Chart, JEvents, Jomres Joomlaboard JoomFish's, Joomla Tags, Jomres (JOOMLA residents), Portfol SMF bridge, Seyret video component, Actimes Yellow Pages., market, thermal performance Mosets Mosets tree, only to search for: Remository Remository RSGallery2 right, retailer information, scaling the media library. ...
Currently, there are more than 100 extensions directly from Artio - a complete list, see, plus many third-party developers.
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Joomla Extensions - BIGSHOT Google Analytics

Posted by Unknown

Google Analytics (Analysis) This plugin will automatically add the tracking code to your website.

Service in a single iteration profile JOOMLA1.5-1.6-1.7, is now 2.5. Updated, in order to extend the use of the newer asynchronous Google Analytics (analysis) tracking code from the old urchin.js and GA.JS.

This plug-in creates a better choice of several "module based" solutions are in there. As far as I know, this is the first and only Joomla! 1.5 native plug-in to do this.

Google Analytics (analysis), like this extension, is free for you to use. Access Blog "".
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Joomla Extensions - Ozio Gallery

Posted by Unknown

Ozio Gallery is a photo gallery of design for Joomla 2.5 or later, written in JavaScript display images posted on Google Plus.

The new Fuerte skin Ozio we want to introduce you to the library extended - response and adaptive the first Free to JOOMLA 2.5 Image Gallery!

Ozio Gallery, in Italy
Google code project:

The album plus images from Google.
Unlimited photo upload.
Automatically resize photos.
Classification and the title of the image.
From Google's limited album.
Support to add image gallery into your Joomla! Article.
Link directly into a single image. (Deep linking (Deep Linking)).
You can also share your photos on your site directly from your Andr oid mobile phone or iPhone.
Adaptive detect the visitor's browser window size, automatically create, cache, and provides device appropriate re-scaled version of the image.
Native, JOOMLA extensions, open source and GPL.
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Joomla Extensions - MetaMod

Posted by Unknown

Control your modules! (Works of Joomla 3.0!)

Date, time, cycle time, GeoIP (country of viewers), browser type and language, user name, group, and other components in the page (such as retailers, information), the text on the page, article keywords, article, Section / Category field, references ...

... And so on, there's more!

MetaMod is a "Meta Module" - a module that includes other modules, according to a set of rules.

Installing the free GeoLite country or city database from MaxMind, you can switch module based on the name of the country / city / state

Suggested use:
★ retailer information: display or hide in different modules of the cashier, shopping cart, product pages, category
★ timing module: daily / weekly repeat time and date (the great radio / TV / broadcasting websites)
★ Languages: different menu / language of the front of the module is displayed on the user has selected (e.g. with JoomFish), based on based on their browser language
★ users: registered users more (or less) than a certain time, to specific users or groups of a module or object module
★ 2 the module switch between login user and guests
★ Section / Category specific module: display the article according to the part of the target module / category
★ domains, and referrer: display different modules, depending on which domain the page or Web site user link
★ the browser detection switch module, based on the user's browser and browser version (for example, using Internet Explorer IE to browse the site show the different modules)
★ control module based on the main ingredient found in the text of the page
★ control modules, such as RSForm (where in the world, it was from a connection basis, in different forms)
★ target module SOBI CommunityBuilder JReviews to a specific page, almost all of the other components
★ Dynamic Control page on the parameters of the other modules as well as modules or not
★ and so much more!

Documentation on the site, and can find more uses in the forum. See you!

The ★ V3.X only compatible with Joomla 1.7/2.5/3.0
The ★ V2.X is only compatible with Joomla 1.5.
★ Please download and install the right module for your Joomla version.

Recent improvements
v3.13b (2012 11 27)
* Support in GeoLiteCIty, fixed crusher
* Added support retailers, 2.0.14 JomGenius detection new pagetypes, notification / Suggestions / manufacturer of the products listed.

V3.12 (2012, November 19, 2011)
* JOOMLA 3.0 compatible!

V3.11 (2012, September 3, 2011)
* Increased compatibility with JoomFish J2.5

V3.10 (2012, July 23, 2011)
* Increase the the support of Categorizr to JomGenius, used to detect cell phones, desktop computers, tablet computers and television equipment.

* Several improvements JomGenius support the retailer information 2.x

V3.8 (2012 February 14)
* New J2.5 support

V2.12 (March 31), 2011 10
Vendor Information: Improved step checkout page website detection

v2.11/3.7 (2011 October)
* Improved detection "articlesubmit" page type
The retailer information: base
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Joomla Extensions - aiContactSafe

Posted by Unknown

AJAX driven JOOMLA! 1.5.x component to place a contact form anywhere on your page, and any number of different types of custom fields, including attachments.

The component package, you can also:
- Mod_aiContactSafe: I MODUL contact in any position of your template
- Plg_aiContactSafeForm: a plug placed in an article in Contact.
The - plg_aiContactSafeLink a plug placed in an article in the link Contact.
You can install and / or upgrade from the control panel aiContactSafe, all people are article to see more information.

aiContactSafe the function is:
- The possibility of CAPTCHA for each language or random strings to the specified code word to use in your design, color and background color settings easily integrated
- Configuration files (multiple different custom fields form)
- Unlimited custom fields of different types (text boxes, check boxes, check boxes, list boxes, combo boxes, radio list, edit boxes, date, e-mail, mail list, hidden, isolated, Joomla contact file)
- Add a prefix or suffix field
- When a message is sent successfully redirected to the page specified
- Any work with or without attachments AJAX
- SEF support through Artio JoomSEF or sh404SEF, or you can use a Joomla native SEF
- Multi-language support (language files Joom! Fish)
- English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia Serbian (Cyrillic), Swedish, Turkish language file, Ukraine, Lithuania (some not yet completed)
- A WYSIWYG editor, specify contact information
- A detailed description of each page in English (and the above-mentioned translation)
- Prevent users via IP
- Block contains a list, you can define the message
- Send messages blocked within a specified time automatically disables IP
- Record the information in the database IP, they have been sent from the control panel (to close)
- Extended configuration capabilities
- MVC architecture
- Email Templates
- The command field for each profile
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Joomla Extensions - Modules Anywhere

Posted by Unknown

Modules anywhere - place modules anywhere you can enter text.

The module, you can include a single module or complete module positions anywhere in your website anytime, anywhere, including third-party components, and even in other modules.

Why should I use the module in any place, rather than {loadposition plugin it?
It can be anywhere, not only in the article. It can even be in the module!
* You can load a module, not only complete module positions.
You can control from the tags within the HTML display style is not only a global setting.
* It comes with a very easy to use editor button.

You can set the module also handles loadposition} tag anywhere. In this case, you can safely disable the {loadposition} plugin together.

Module Anywhere does not display the default module unpublished. If you want, you can change this behavior by the plug-in parameters.

More information:

NoNumber extension requires PHP 5.3 +
View the higher requirements: # requirements

Support the use of forum:
Do not use the comments below support requests or questions.
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Joomla Extensions - Projectfork

Posted by Unknown

Projectfork is a project management component is extended fully configurable to meet your business needs. Projectfork is widely used in small businesses, government agencies, political parties and non-profit organizations (including JOOMLA).

The characteristics of the project management
* Unlimited projects
* Time sensitive milestone
* Tasks and task list
* Lightweight Forum
* File repository and accessories
* Time tracking and reporting
* Project milestones, tasks, and more reviews
* Local the JOOMLA ACL and group
* Configure e-mail notification subscription

Intelligent Design
Projectfork by many extensions to work with, but simplified interface will make you feel at home, if you use the regular, single component. Install and uninstall Projectfork any extension: a single installation package and remove an extension from your website as simple.

User experience first
Appearance and acts like Projectfork your the average JOOMLA3 of expansion in most cases, so you can pick up naturally. If you ever get stuck, we offer a large number of the comprehensibility file on our site.

The Joomla native code Projectfork use as much as possible to write the book and the best code of practice. There is no custom theme engine, no the Zend company or other frameworks - just pure JOOMLA MVC architecture. Want to hire a developer to make some changes? Need to find of a "Projectfork experts"!

Powered by feedback
Projectfork can help you run your business, please consider to leave your comments below. Thank you!
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Joomla Extensions - Simple Image Gallery

Posted by Unknown

Add a picture gallery in your Joomla! Articles super easy magic "simple photo gallery" plugin for Joomla! 1.5 - 2.5.

The plug-in can be any folder in the image into your Joomla! Cool favorites preview the site into a grid-style image gallery. All tags, like {Gallery} myphotos / gallery}, using a simple plug-in.

Thus, for example, if we have a folder named "my_trip_to_Paris" images / stories / my_trip_to_Paris located, then we can create our gallery only need to enter the tag {gallery} my_trip_to_Paris "/ gallery} into some JOOMLA! article.

Thumbnail image background grid Polaroid Gallery created. When your visitors click on the thumbnail, they see the original image to a lightbox pop-up window. Thumbnail generated and cached using PHP to get better results.

So, let's look briefly at what are the main advantages of using a simple image gallery: a) you do not need to have additional gallery component to display some images, b) you need to tell your visitors "to see our photos from Paris click here "and c) you focus more on content creation rather than the management of images!

This plug-in is to display some product images, for example, in their article, the ideal choice for a news portal. Of people who want to show their summer vacation pictures. Simple picture library, you can have a lot of galleries, every article you want inside.

Please note that if you want to create a gallery, simply adjust the plugin syntax to reflect the remaining path Stock Photography root file from your folder subfolders within (you set the root file folder " ), for example: {gallery} folder / sub / othersubfolder of the {/ gallery. Make sure that the path of your destination folder did not write of any slash the beginning or the end of your path.

Simple Image Gallery using "Slimbox" (by Christophe Beyls) development, which is a more modern software implementation of the famous "Lightbox" script, based on MooTools (1.1/1.2 Joomla! 1.5) and jQuery (1.4 for Joomla ! 1.6/1.7 / 2.5). "Slimbox" good pop-up window to display the original image galleries.

Here you can see a demo plug-ins:

The simple picture gallery is a Joomla! The plug-in developed by JoomlaWorks, GNU General Public License as published.
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Joomla Extensions - Advanced Module Manager

Posted by Unknown

Advanced module management - control module.

Advanced Module Manager is an extension module management change.

It adds a variety of features, such as:

* Please refer to the module you are editing the menu item
Editing module, modal popup
* Module output (something convenient, such as a dynamic menu option)
* Choose to display all the pages on the module, in addition to the selected menu items (reverse functionality of normal selection)
* Many other publishing your module assignment! You can control publishing modules (ALL / ANY):
O menu items
Ø Home
Ø Article
O section / category
O components
o Date
o User group level
Ø Language
O template
O ... more ...
* You can also choose the mirror another module assignment setting!

If you need more module control, give MetaMod a try:
Advanced Module Manager is compatible with the MetaMod professional!

For more information:

NoNumber extension requires PHP 5.3 +
See a higher demand: requirements

Support the use of forum:
Do not use the comments below support requests or questions.
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Joomla Extensions - Fabrik

Posted by Unknown

Fabrik company JOOMLA Application Builder is an open source components.

Fabrik gives you the power, without having to create forms and running the JOOMLA MySQL and PHP knowledge. Then feed your data into Google Maps, charts, or an AJAX based calendar

Fabrik company, you can create applications that range from simple contact form complex applications, such as the complexity of the job application site or bug tracking system.
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Joomla Extensions - JFusion

Posted by Unknown on 3/7/13

Supercharging your Joomla! Website. Almost all software integrated into Joomla! And allow your users single sign-on. Now get full control over integrating multiple software at the same time, with a new master / slave function. The JFusion award-winning content management system (CMS) JOOMLA was a free GPL plugin. The JFusion user integration provides a common,, through extensions Joomla 1.5 user authentication framework without any core hackers. A software that does not support the JFusion box, but it's easy to write a plug-in to create a bridge, do not re-invent the wheel. Proof of JFusion, Joomla is a CMS software in the future. Other CMS software can act as a portal, integration of multiple users of different platforms? No! Now, you have complete control over all your Web applications using JFusion. Currently supported software; 1. vBulletin 3.8.0 2. for phpBB 3.0.x 3. MyBB Chinese 1.4 4. SMF 1.1.8 5. SMF 2.X 6. Magento's 7. Of Moodle 8. Gallery2's 9. DokuWiki's 10. Elgg 11. Since 2.X, 3.X, XT, Zen, SEO 12. E-ago 13. By WordPress 14. MediaWiki 15. Universal plug-in (integrated any length, because it is a simple enugh) Module provide, such as with the JFusion package; 1. Login module 2. Events module 3. User activity module 4. Who is online module Additional features, such as a search plug-in (integrated external search, that is, from your integrated software in your Joomla! Search), and discuss the BOT (Articles Press Releases Joomla! Automatically to your forum). In addition to the user's synchronization feature JFusion now also provides user group synchronization, you are able to connect between the software user groups (easy, if you have contributions need synchronization software) Outstanding support the JFusion support for playform, our JFusion Support Team is ready to answer any questions you might have. Make sure you also check the part of the document, because it has many guides on how to make your JFusion work. With our new version check and a key upgrade function, it has never been so easy, so your JFusion install the latest. JFusion can be said to be the most active integrated software development for Joomla. Imagine, will bring what kind of features, we give you!
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Joomla Extensions - Attachments

Posted by Unknown

Attachment extensions for Joomla! Allow file upload articles and other types of content. "Accessories" from the front-end attention and edit files as well as from the ability to manage the back-end. There are a number of options to control who can see the attachments and who can upload them, along with many other options to increase its flexibility and practicality. Installation is simple: Use the Joomla installer install the zip file. Components and all the plug are installed in a single step. Accessory uses Joomla "upgrade" capability, can be installed in the previous version of the annex. There are two versions of attachments: * Joomla 1.5 version 2.x - 2.x version of Joomla 1.6 and later - Demo video: - Download: - Forum: * 3.x version of Joomla 1.7/2.5 + - 3.x version will not work in Joomla 1.5 - Demo video: - Download: - Forum: If you want to subscribe to the mailing list announcement attachment extension, please visit: Release 2.2 + 3.0 + give you several ways to add, edit and delete your attachment of front-end, back-end, and the editor in the article (including the front-end and back-end in the creation of the post). There are a lot of options to control who can see attachments. When you add or edit attachments, page updates are done quickly, without a full page reload. If you intend to use this extension for sensitive files, use the "safe" mode. Provide secure storage of attachment files and prevent access by any person in the case of non-log NEW! Annex 3.x version of Joomla 1.7/2.5 + Annex 3 includes many new features: --- Improved permissions control system is very flexible, you can add, edit, or change the status of the attachment. --- All attachments can be assigned to any access level. A powerful way to create access levels in Joomla 1.7 + capabilities means that you can control the attachment of specific groups. --- Improved control capacity is visible on the page Attachments. --- Support new Joomla extension update system for simplified updates.
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Joomla Extensions - JCK Editor

Posted by Unknown

The new JCK Editor is the next generation of Joomla editor. First advanced editor support JOOMLA 3.0 editor, it is truly responsive! You will find it easier to use, more efficient, mobile-friendly, a tool, its purpose is to its users in the driver's seat. Most significant JCK Editor is a free content editor for Joomla! It is free for you to install and use under the GPL license any of your site! ★ IPAD and IPHONE RESPONSIVE This is the first time, you do not need a special the JOOMLA phone software to upload and manage your site, your iPad or iPhone! This is because at the JCK editor in Joomla 3.0 in response to! This method should be designed to respond to the basis of the user's behavior and environment, screen size, platform and device. New design dialog screen editor now offers the new IOS file upload, it is impossible Safari browser support until now! ★ next-generation graphics We have taken the Editor's design shop, a truly beautiful and friendly user interface, and the marriage of creativity and technology disciplines. Do you think it is easier to use, more efficient, its purpose is the user tools in the driver's seat. ★ customizable interface Everyone likes to edit their own way, so we can more easily adjust the JCK interface. Rearrange, organize, add or remove buttons or change the color of the skin editor parameters. ★ ultra-fast performance The API engine wear seatbelts has been fast, but this is the fastest ever! It provides the editor than ever, which means, web editing will feel faster, more responsive performance improved significantly. This is a surprising 18-fold load - only a small memory footprint, so that users can be faster and more efficient than the JCE editor! But hey - if you do not believe us, why not give it a try and see how fast you can go? ★ STATE-OF-THE-ART integration More boxes installed CKEDITOR! We have been the the engine hood and Joomla ISED logic of integration into a seamless and scalable integration. Now, the user can select which plug toolbar and shape its architecture in all sense of the word - easy! A ★ a large plug-in library The plug-in is the cornerstone of the custom, let you edit personalized experience. These applications can be used to quickly and easily extend the functionality of the editor and the largest growth extension base of all Joomla editor, you will - to do more ... ★ manage your files in one place Upload images and files, view thumbnails in one place, without having to navigate! It will not stop, such as Joomla! User group can have their own personal folder, it can be used in a method of authenticity! The stores online nested folders, files, media, flash, electronic documents and image files related links. The best part is it's simple - it is useful, interesting, completely
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Joomla Extensions - ChronoForms

Posted by Unknown

I always need to create a custom form for my client's website, or migrate their old site to form the new Joomla website fast and easy, which is a pain because I do so, the use of other components, and createeverything from scratch, in a Web-based tools. So, I created this tool, let me copy and paste the code from the old site, within five minutes using any HTML editor (eg: Macromedia company Dreamweaver) Chronoforms is about 6 years old, and today is a very easy to use drag-and-drop interface to help you create the form of any type, you may need some of the features, including a huge list of features: 1 - the basic form of the features, such as field create .. - E-mail processing. 3 - form (the server on the client - JavaScript) data validation. 4 - Data storage and management. (Lets you create a table, this table, and then save the data to manage it) (ChronoConnectivity provides additional management capabilities for your form) 5 - security and built-in verification code + verification code support. 6 - different Joomla functions. (JOOMLA registration form, users log on or article submission, etc. ..) 7 - in the form of access control. 8 - Payment Integration ( - Paypal Proverbs - 9 - common things like CURL - Email verification - confirmation page utility, etc. .. 10 - an event-based system, it allows you to control everything, if you want to in your form, coupled with the use of the ability of the PHP code, wherever and whenever you need endless control. Technical support: 1 - large group of free PDF tutorials covering most of the basic functions. 2 - Free Forum, more than 70,000 forum posts covering almost any problem, you might think of, we try to answer everyone's questions and comments on our forums or through private messages.
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Joomla Extensions - K2

Posted by Unknown

The powerful content extension for Joomla! , Was awarded the "JOOMLA! Part," J and beyond 2010 (International JOOMLA meeting). --- What is K2? --- K2 provides an out-off-the-shelf integration solutions, including content-rich, in other areas of the form (think of Joomla! Article, articles, images, video, image galleries and attachments), nested-level classification, tag, comment, system The basic form of the project to expand other areas (similar to those acquainted with Drupal CCK), a powerful plugin API to extend the project, category and user form, ACL, front desk editing, sub-templates and a lot more! K2, you can change your Joomla! Site news / magazine website author blogs, product catalogs, work portfolio, knowledge base, download / document manager, directory listing, event listing and more, all bundled in one package! K2 a try, you will immediately fall in love with it! This is very easy to use and fun of the development site! If you need any help, or would like to contribute to the project, to join us in the K2 community. --- Functions --- The K2 base project in the form of additional field is scalable, you can easily create category-specific content types, such as: articles, blog post, product page, directory listing. K2 provides the standard: - Nested-level categories (no section / category restrictions) - Annotation, integration and verification code - Tag - Project (useful article / directory) - Photo Gallery - Video - Accessories - User page (blog / user configuration file) - ACL content - Unique plugin system to extend item, category and user in the form of - AJAX-based front-end editing - AJAX-based comment moderation - Google AJAX Search integration - Native JSON / JSONP contents output - This machine is state-of-the-art of the SEF options (joined K2 v2.6.4 +) K2 fully supports the Joomla! API, which means all Joomla! K2 components and modules plug in the normal range, both in the front-end or back-end. --- Amazing performance ---,,, the UNITA, Harvard, Company (Citrix), the High Court MTV Greece, Australia, Greece, Jaguar are just some of the thousand or so "big sites" the world, complete with K2. --- Requirements and license --- Take advantage of the built-in video and gallery, you need to install AllVideos (free) and simple picture library Professional Edition, provides JoomlaWorks. K2 is by JoomlaWorks and authorized under the GNU / GPL v2 license. --- What is the next step? --- Try K2! Install it, click on the "Import" button, so that your Joomla! K2 article inside, started to play components, it provides a first-hand flexibility. Additionally it? Components that you no longer need, and a dozen or more modules to do things like run a news site or blog. Drupal and WordPress affirmed their game! ;) --- Useful links --- Access the K2 website and community:
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Joomla Extensions - AcyMailing Starter

Posted by Unknown

AcyMailing is a reliable communication and e-mail marketing Joomla extensions. AcyMailing enables you to efficiently manage an unlimited number of users, and organization to the mailing list, send personalized newsletters (tall tag name} ...) + Real-time send process using a queue system with throttling you overcome any server limitation! + Subscribe Module with cool effects (popup, slide effect) + Handle the subscription of registered users and visitors + Record user IP to stay in line with the laws of all countries + Two-way selection and automatic unsubscribe link + CAN-SPAM standards + Verification and validation of the e-mail address + Using the filter and the quality of collective action to subscribe + Automatic synchronization with your Joomla Users + Import users from any format: CSV, Acajoom, Letterman, communications, ccNewsletter, Yanc jNews + Relaxed Joomla article in your presentation + Easily in your presentation contain any user information (name, e-mail, user name, ...) + Facebook share and Twitter share plug-ins + Your Joomla registration form on your list + Automatically subscribe to your users in the registration process, one or more list + Contact ingredients: com_contact integration Contact enhancements, QContacts + Handle an unlimited number of users, lists, and communication + Newsletter template management including 3 default newsletter templates + Automatically convert inline CSS + Connectivity, embedded image option + Preview entire JOOMLA group or a specific e-mail address and send a test communication + Communication Management (the number of send / Open, HTML or plain text version) + Advanced Communications Statistics (open your communication and time) + Front-end part of the newsletter archive PDF generation and print options + Latest communication module + Automatically installed plug-ins, modules, templates and auto-configuration + Handles SMTP secure connection (you can use Gmail to send your newsletter) + Administrator / user notification + Integrated document + Full multi-language interface + In your communications ugly AcyMailing logo AcyMailing Joomla MVC mode, so you can customize any view. The AcyMailing was translated into more than 40 languages​​!
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Joomla Extensions - Phoca Gallery

Posted by Unknown

The seals Gallery is a Joomla! Components. It is an image gallery slide. Have different functions, see the presentation: (click on the links on the left to see the different functions seals library) Tree and image module demo: Demonstration and explanation, and no pop-up: Demo seals galleries and caddy integration: Demo the SEALs gallery and Joomla! 1.6 (1.7): The demo seals Gallery and YouTube videos (CSS3): Seals library 3.0.2 requirements: PHP 5.2.4 + The MySQL 5.0.4 + JOOMLA! 1.6, 1.7
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Joomla Extensions - Jumi

Posted by Unknown

JUMI is a set of custom code extensions for Joomla! 1.0.x, 1.5.x, and 1.6.x version in local mode. Since 2006, then 200.000 downloads. With JUMI * You can include PHP, HTML, JavaScript script module location, category or description, or to your own custom components page, You can even include static HTML or TXT page into your web page, without the use of packaging components, * You have ample opportunity to Joomla! Variables, functions, constants, etc. in your PHP script. JUMI is the ideal solution * Including banners or text ads into your Joomla! Website: no problem if you own or affiliated companies. * Intelligence JavaScript, PHP, HTML, DHTML script simple and fast into your Joomla! Content, * Fast development of not only small and simple customized modules and plugin solutions based on PHP, JavaScript and HTML or DHTML scripts, such as flash programs, ads and pictures presentation, the table contains, but for more complex solutions, including database data Development of a process. For JUMI tips and tricks, access to the the specialized tips, and skills JUMI page In 2.0.5 fix security vulnerabilities components. Fix in 2.0.6: link New in 2.0 (J1.0 and J1.5): + component, + router (J1.5 only), + + storage of custom code to the database table, integrated all JUMI extended. Version 2.1.0 beta3 fix security vulnerabilities components. New 2.1 (beta): direct code including into Joomla! Content, PDF rendering, clear code RSS feeds, security filtering option, debug mode and a plug-in modules, and so on, and so on. J! 1.6 new version is ready. There is a problem with the module, from the content to the system conversion JUMI plug So, whatever you want on the site, you can JUMI syntax. The internationalization of the problem, it may be that this is the core of a problem. January 18, 2013: J! 3.0 new version is ready! If you find a problem, please report: Note: You can install the previous version, 2.0.6 version does not uninstall it. Keywords: the custom code, custom scripts, custom PHP, including PHP, PHP code Please do not use comments publishing support requests or bug reports. Use the support forum.
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Tip Backlink For site

Posted by Unknown on 3/6/13

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Posted by Unknown

Joomla's well known and loved Events Calendar. JEvents compatible with a Joomfish Joomla components and modules and plug-ins.

* One-time events and complex events repeat mode can be created and viewed in an attractive calendar and list formats
* A variety of design layout may
* Fully compatible with Joomla MVC framework
* Import of iCal / export
* Repeat exception handling
* Activities can be placed in multiple categories and calendar views can be customized to show all or part of these categories
* Improve the layout of the presentation editing tool in your website.
* Optional check overlapping events or a specific category on the basis of

* Mini-calendar module (jevents_cal), an event that can be placed on any page brief overview
* The latest events module (jevents_latest) gives a highly configurable summary of upcoming, newly created or popular events
* Activities legend (jevents_legend) - components that appears next to you a summary of event categories and simple method to restrict certain types of events
* The filter module allows you to filter / search events using various criteria

* Search plug-in, so that the global the JOOMLA search returns results calendar of events

JEvents2.2.7 is now available for general download - this is a Joomla1.5 ~ 2.5 the machine components JEvents to a new level. JEvents (1.5.6) for a Joomla1.5 the old version is still available to download.

JEvents3.0 (compatible with Joomla2.5 and 3.0) is available for testing - see the link on the home page of
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Posted by Unknown

Kunena - leading the JOOMLA forum component. Downloaded more than 275 million times since its start in four years. For Joomla only forum / discussion solution is community-driven - true open source - public self-help forum, GitHub and document website.

Kunena team has now released 2.0.4 Kunena for J! 1.5 and J! 2.5. K Table 2.0.4 is a Kunena security and maintenance release to solve 30 problems, according to reports, since the last release. Any earlier versions of Kunena team recommended to use the updated version of Kunena alternatives.

Detailed Kunena on K2.0.4 contains 2.0.4 release notes:

Although only a small / K2.0.4 little bit of release, there are changes in behavior, this version and the previous version (K2.0.3); important that people read the release notes, and then upgrade to better be ready for change Kunena now.

XSS attacks that may occur as a security response, K2.0.4 all previous versions of Kunena obsolete, no longer support team. We encourage all users to upgrade to this new version as soon as possible to avoid your forum business may be affected by the possibility of the result of this problem.

With the version K2.0.4 way using Kunena team can now focus to the development of K 3.0. K essential difference between the 3.0 and K2.0

* K 3.0 does not support the J! 1.5
* K 3.0 will support J! 2.5 and J! 3.0
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Posted by Unknown

The JComments Online is a powerful and easy to use AJAX based comment system for Joomla flexible ACL, smiles, BBCodes and avatars support. Additional eight months working on this version, all these efforts it took to make the component more stable and available. Considerable amount of time allocated to code optimization and improved compatibility with third-party extensions.

* Advanced ACL system
* Anti-spam (CAPTCHA) and flood control
* Multi-language support (over 20 languages​​)
* Smile BBCode support
* Avatar
* Easily from third-party components JComments online (50 + extensions!)
* Simple integration with third-party extensions (more than 40 extensions!)
* Joom! Fish support independent advice (for each language)
* E-mail Subscribe
* Fast Audit (e-mail)
* Report Manager
* Ban IP
* RSS feed
* Automatic update (requires JOOMLA1.7 +)

Support from third-party extensions incarnation
JComments Avatar plug-ins to add support from the Agora forum CommunityBuilder ccBoard, Contacts, fire board, IDoBlog, JomSocial, JooBB forum, JoomSuite users, K2, Powered by Kunena get, iJoomla Magazine, forum, phpBB3 (Blogomunity p8pbb Bridge the bridge the JFusion RokBridge) vBulletin incarnation gravatar;

Easily migrate from third-party extensions
The JComments online reviews to support import third-party components: AkoComment, BeeHeard timing comments ComboMax, cinema, HotOrNot2 DatsoGallery, EasyComment Ice Gallery, JA comment, JMovies, JMyLife, JomComment, JoomlaComment, JoomGallery, J! Reaction, JXtended comment LinkDirectory, LyftenBloggie, Mosets tree, music boxes, music collections, mXcomment PAXXGallery, RDBS comment Search only: Remository Remository, MightyExtensions resources, RSGallery2 right Actimes Yellow Pages. TPDugg retailer information UrComment, Webee comment yvComment ZiMB comments enlarged media library, zoo, MosCom 2.0
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Posted by Unknown

JoomFish multilingual website, if the control of translation solutions to problems. The core extension is free, and allows the translation of any content within your Joomla system. Easily extended, can also be translated to any third-party extensions for your favorite CMS.

JoomFish2.5 is a full-featured version, including some plug-ins, such as the URL of the search engine optimization of a simple router. It comes with new features, such as the integration of in Joomla core translation technology and enhanced third-party support.

Free files, including video tutorials, the first step of documents and other materials available on our website. The site also includes an open forum, community support and more resources.

Joom! Fish Club (requires subscription) to provide enhanced support options and range of additional features, for commercial and professional website. These include plug-in to control / limit the display untranslated content, restrict certain language menus and modules, and an additional front end translation part, allows you to manage the translation, allowing them to translate.
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Posted by Unknown

* The new 4.5 version is fully compatible with Joomla! 1.5, 2.5 and 3.0, the full response! ***

AllVideos (JoomlaWorks) is truly all media management solution for Joomla! And classic must have extension for any Joomla! Web-based.

You can use the plugin to easily embed media host popular services such as YouTube, VIMEO bit DailyMotion SoundCloud (there are many more) into your Joomla! Article (or K2, redShop, retailer information, etc.).

In addition, it allows you to play almost all video / audio file format, hosted on your server, or even on a remote server, provides a great deal of flexibility when it comes to media content embedded. Interesting videos, product demonstrations, audio podcasts, you name it!

--- Why ALLVIDEOS? ---
- You do not have large blocks of HTML code to copy / paste, just to get a video from YouTube Play your Joomla! Website! WYSIWYG editor like it, so you and your customers!
- You can use simple and descriptive plugin tags, such as {YOUTUBE} the heu37ej3qs {/ YouTube}, with the {flv] batman_darknight "/ FLV} {MP3} pixies_bonemachine {/ mp3 files}.
- Allow phone / Tablet PC compatible media embedded in the support case.

The AllVideos means the death of any person's simple and inexpensive streaming media. For example, you can use the YouTube upload your video, and then embedded in your website, but will not take up your server's bandwidth, or to spend money on expensive video conversion software!

--- Functions ---
1. Dozens of media providers like YouTube, Vimeo, Tudou, Youku, MySpace and Flickr video,, TwitVid, yFrog, SoundCloud and more support.
2. Streaming media content, use 20 + network compatible video and audio formats, such as FLV, SWF, MOV, MP4, WMV, WMA, MP3, 3GP, WEBM, OGV, OGG, DivX and more.
3. Easily your media content directly from your server or a remote server!
4. Simple control plugin parameters page within the layout consistency on all video display in your Joomla! Website. Set your preferences, released a plug-in within a few seconds, you're ready to start streaming content!
5. Simple the descriptive syntax media embedding - {format / suppliers /} filename format / provider}. You can also use a similar syntax {format / provider} filename | width | height AutoPlay {/ format / service provider (for example, "autoplaying" {YOUTUBE} he73js82 | 600 | 450 | 1 / YOUTUBE}) to display The video size!
6. MVC template. Simply copy TMPL / folder contains plug-ins, and move it to your template / html folder and rename it to "jw_allvideos", then style the output as you wish.
7. Phone / tablet friendly: if you use MP4 video upload, or if you use the service, such as YouTube, Vimeo Youku video mobile ready.
8. 3 Template: classic, frame and response
9. Respond adequately to the players, when the use of "responsive" template.
10. Using the core Joomla! Updated from version 4.5.0.

--- More ---
The AllVideos product pages on
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Posted by Unknown

Based on Joomla MVC framework advantages:
- Template overwritting,
Joomla plugin - implementation: the method of payment, shipping, coupons, calculation rules, custom product fields, ...
- Simple installation and integration of Joomla extensions.

- Nested class
- Meta tags search engine optimization
- Description and media

- Meta tags search engine optimization
- A description of the short-term and long-term
- Size (weight by volume)
- A variety of media
- Variant property
- Unlimited level of children's products and derivatives
- Mode (the mode of the parent product as children's products)
- Related Products
- Review and Ratings

- Price depends on shoppergroups
- Price, Christie shoppergroups and
- Payment / shipment according shoppergroups

- Customizable shoppers entered in the form
- The input form depends on registration, checkout or shipment
- Completely anonymous Checkout
- Adressbook
- Default Bill "and ship to address
- Default payment and mode of transport

Inventory / Inventory
- Stocking / inventory
- Stock warning
- Virtual stock (ordered but not finally bought)

- A variety of different types of display the price depends shoppergroup
- Shoppers want to buy the currency price adjustments
- Each currency currency format
- Price
- Based on the number of pricing

True multi-currency
- Automatic update rate
- Add your own currency fixed exchange rate

- Default SEF / SEO integrated

Power calculator
- Discounts based on time, category, shoppergroup, the State and the State
- Based on time, category, shoppergroup, national and state tax
- Discounts, product taxes and / or command
- Discounts, tax its own currency (duties)

Terms of Payment
- Based plugin: PayPal, PayZen Systempay, withdrawals, Klarna, Heidelpay
- The amount of the minimum / maximum usage payment
- Transaction costs
- National
- Shopping tour

- Based on the plug
- Shopping tour
- National

- Guest Checkout completely anonymous Checkout
- Choose to register at the beginning of checkout
- The car is an object, competly rewriting template
- The car is stored in the session
- 1-click checkout
- Multi-page checkout
- A checkout page (rather than default)

- Payment / delivery process
- History
- Modify
- Anonymous user order tracking

- Latest
- TOPTEN (most popular)
- New
- Features
- Sort
- Searchable

- Local and Joomla 1.7
- Additional JOOMLA components (joomfish) JOOMLA 1.5

Marketing and Tools
- Coupon processing
- Links Recommended Products
- Consumers who buy products

- Hidden debugging tool

2.0.4 + is a secure version of everyone using the 2.0.3 or lower must be updated as soon as possible.
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Posted by Unknown

eXtplorer is a Web-based file management components, all of your needs. It like a desktop application interface, drag and drop, grid and a directory tree and ExtJS JavaScript library that makes heavy use.
You can use it to access and modify files and directories on your server via FTP or direct file access.

eXtplorer run locally JOOMLA! 2,5,1.5-1.7,1.0, also can be used as a standalone application.
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Googlemaps Plugin

Posted by Unknown

Plug-in to display one or more Google Maps within Joomla 1.5.x content items, modules or components (native), 2.5.x and 3.0.x (1.6.x 1.7.x but not recommended).

Version 2.18 is the latest version. Now also supports JOOMLA 3.0.

Joomla 2.5/3.0 (1.6 and 1.7) of the plug-in can automatically upgrade Joomla extension and upgrade features.

This is the last version of the Google Maps API version 2 May 19, 2013 is no longer supported, because this version of Google Maps. So, to migrate to Google Maps API version 3 (version 3.x) configuration plug.

Also all parameters language support: English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Please give me the language file, so I can add them to the plug. Go to my website and contact me.

In the demo site, the first file. Of course, if your question, please do not list on the website:

If this does not help, or if you have questions or desire, you fill out the form displayed in my site's URL and the version of the plug-in and Joomla.

the {mosmap width = '500 'height = '400' | latitude = '52 0.052312 '| ion = 0.447141 '4' |
Zoom = '3 '| the mapping type =' satellite 'text: "svDWO tooltip =' DWO 'tag = '1' ALIGN = 'center'}
(Editing articles go to HTML view to delete return or <BR /> you copy this example)

2.18 is a stable version, and make the following changes:
* JOOMLA 3.0 ready
* Parameters display the map on Twitter tweet
* Google Map V3:
- Increase in the layer and the direction of traffic, bicycle and traffic
* Check the textarea addition to the editor, so that it can be edited in the foreground
* CSS templates or extensions add Google Maps css file and css parameters to solve problems
* Separate PHP file using Joomla framework

Solve the following error:
* The new version of the vertical / horizontal sliding map the MooTools
Several light box to the third edition of the error, and add a CSS class
* Error in geoxml V3
* Error in the window of a few of the types of information Google Earth mapping
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Community Builder

Posted by Unknown

The Akeeba backup core successor to the now famous the JoomlaPack the part. In a nutshell, if Akeeba backup core is an open-source backup component Joomla! CMS, quite a bit different than their competition. It's mission is simple: create a site backup, you can restore any Joomla! Server. Its possibilities: endless. It creates a complete backup of your site in a separate archive. The compression package contains all the files, a database snapshot and an installer similar in function to the standard Joomla! Installer. AJAX power backup and recovery process to avoid server timeouts, even if there is a huge site. Or, you can make a backup of your database or your file. If you want a reliable, easy-to-use, open source backup solution for your Joomla! Website try.

, Akeeba Backup has won the prestigious Administrator the only extended JOSCAR Award in J and in 2010. Download free to find out why.

JOOMLA! 2.5/3.0. We have the old version of Joomla! 1.5/1.6/1.7 in our website.

Product Features:

- Configures itself for the optimal operation of your website. Just click Configuration Wizard.
- A key backup.
- AJAX-driven backup (site and database, database, file or incremental file backup only)
- The fastest native PHP backup engine.
- Select the standard ZIP file format or efficient JPA
- The ability to exclude specific files, folders
- Able to exclude specific database tables or their content.
- Unattended backup mode (CRON job scheduling) fully compatible the
- Backup using any mobile phone in 2007 after a Web browser using our exclusive "Lite Mode" (including the cheapest Nokia and Sony Ericsson models!)
- AJAX driven by site recovery
- ", Kickstart Recovery: not unpacking backup recovery
- Host your site without having to download / upload any (use DirectFTP backup engine)
- Files can be restored on any host. The site between subdomains / hosts or even to / from your local testing server (XAMPP, WAMPSERVER, MAMP, Zend server, etc.).

And much more!

Do not miss the free companion desktop software (Akeeba SiteDiff "Akeeba extract the Wizard), available for free from our website. They make the Akeeba backup an easy task.

Note: The software is free of charge, does not support. You need a valid subscription (7.79 euros), request support. However, its documentation, the troubleshooting wizard and searching the forum is free.
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Akeeba Backup

Posted by Unknown

The Akeeba backup core successor to the now famous the JoomlaPack the part. In a nutshell, if Akeeba backup core is an open-source backup component Joomla! CMS, quite a bit different than their competition. It's mission is simple: create a site backup, you can restore any Joomla! Server. Its possibilities: endless. It creates a complete backup of your site in a separate archive. The compression package contains all the files, a database snapshot and an installer similar in function to the standard Joomla! Installer. AJAX power backup and recovery process to avoid server timeouts, even if there is a huge site. Or, you can make a backup of your database or your file. If you want a reliable, easy-to-use, open source backup solution for your Joomla! Website try.

, Akeeba Backup has won the prestigious Administrator the only extended JOSCAR Award in J and in 2010. Download free to find out why.

JOOMLA! 2.5/3.0. We have the old version of Joomla! 1.5/1.6/1.7 in our website.

Product Features:

- Configures itself for the optimal operation of your website. Just click Configuration Wizard.
- A key backup.
- AJAX-driven backup (site and database, database, file or incremental file backup only)
- The fastest native PHP backup engine.
- Select the standard ZIP file format or efficient JPA
- The ability to exclude specific files, folders
- Able to exclude specific database tables or their content.
- Unattended backup mode (CRON job scheduling) fully compatible the
- Backup using any mobile phone in 2007 after a Web browser using our exclusive "Lite Mode" (including the cheapest Nokia and Sony Ericsson models!)
- AJAX driven by site recovery
- ", Kickstart Recovery: not unpacking backup recovery
- Host your site without having to download / upload any (use DirectFTP backup engine)
- Files can be restored on any host. The site between subdomains / hosts or even to / from your local testing server (XAMPP, WAMPSERVER, MAMP, Zend server, etc.).

And much more!

Do not miss the free companion desktop software (Akeeba SiteDiff "Akeeba extract the Wizard), available for free from our website. They make the Akeeba backup an easy task.

Note: The software is free of charge, does not support. You need a valid subscription (7.79 euros), request support. However, its documentation, the troubleshooting wizard and searching the forum is free.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Anchor Slider

Posted by Unknown on 3/5/13

Add the anchor of an HTML title, so you can view the the user title below times.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Easy Zopim

Posted by Unknown

The plug-in is loaded chat into a Joomla! Website. Customers can easily contact you online.

Main features:

The plug-in will automatically select the language by default Joomla! Language.
All text loaded language. ini files, so they can be edited, or you can easily add new language translation.
Currently, major: English, Czech.
The loaded Zopim chat with, only where needed. It will not be loaded into the the modal boxes or Joomla! The generated PDF.
Zopim will not load on mobile devices.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Joomla Calculator - EasyCalc

Posted by Unknown

This component allows you to create any of your visitors need calcium.

The product includes a component and module. Component, you define specific calculator, and then displayed in the module. By the formula (see Java scripts mathematical functions: #) and the definition of variables calculator.

The variables can be of different types - radio buttons, sliders, the digital input. The number of variables is infinite. As for the radio buttons - each option has a coefficient for the slider - you define the unit range, scale (linear, logaritmic) and steps.

JOOMLA calculator Management

In the left part of the definition of formula, published / unpublished, and add a new type of industry
In the right part, you can define specific areas - label, value, units, range, steps.

JOOMLA the calculator front end - the calculator example

JOOMLA calculator to calculate monthly installment loans, real estate. The user-defined real estate (the location of the radio buttons - each location has a different coefficient), the price of authenticity, a few years to pay the load. Based on the last stage, the interest rate.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Rich Snippets for VirtueMart

Posted by Unknown

Rich plug inserted fragment to retailers information product detail page.

This plug-in will add a lot of metadata to retailers information product detail page. The Google will dispalay:

The price of the currency
Stock Information
Count reviews
The JOOMLA menu of channels, including ways and retailer information cagetory structure
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart GoPay Payments

Posted by Unknown

The retailer information 2.0 connection the online store GoPay pay the polymerization, the Czech Republic and the world of on-line payment method allows different.

To connect retailers information 2.0 online store GoPay payment polymerization, your customers you will provide a safe and convenient online payment methods. GoPay you pay all types of credit cards (Visa Electron card, Visa card, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, many Czech payment method).

Particularly applies to the online market in the Czech Republic.

GoPay polymerization website:

Payment Terms: Overview

The 3.0.0 version of the plug-in support the CZK and Euro currency the new GoPay API 2.3.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart Language-Currency Switcher

Posted by Unknown

The plug-in allows your current language set the default currency.

The plug-in allows you to set different currency different the JOOMLA languages ​​and switch user switch front-end language displayed currency.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart Order Templates - Re-orders

Posted by Unknown

This module allows you to reorder the Virtuemart orders
When you want to buy multiple products multiple times (ie monthly), you have to put them in the basket time and again, and again the procceed detected every. Not any more! Retailer information orders template, you can refresh the list of orders from the store to the right of the product. This module is suitable for the loyalty and ordinary users, in order to allow us to say monthly e-commerce sites.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart PayMuzo

Posted by Unknown

This plug-in gives retailers information 1.1.x version (JOOMLA1.5), online payment.

This plug-in gives retailers information 1.1.x version (JOOMLA1.5), online payment. It enables customers to use Visa cards, Visa HD playback, Maestro, MasterCard payment.

PayMuzo is designed for KBC (Czech Republic and Slovakia), Unicreditbank VolksBank, Raiffeisen Bank.

The European fixed 3-D safety standards GPWebPay payment gateway to pay by credit card. Gateway communication Wang your e-commerce website, XML encryption, so it is impossible for any loss or misuse of data.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart Products Extended

Posted by Unknown

This plug-in, you can see from the sub-class products in the parent class.
This plug-in, you can subclass of the parent class. The plug-in is triggered by logging on to management and automatic allocation of all the products of the parent class.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart Products in Parental Categories

Posted by Unknown

This plug-in, you can see from the sub-class products in the parent class.
This plug-in, you can subclass of the parent class. The plug-in is triggered by logging on to management and automatic allocation of all the products of the parent class.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart VUB Bank Connector (VM 2.0.6+)

Posted by Unknown

The plug-in to online credit card payment, retailer information connected to the VUB Bank 2.0

The plug enbles on-line credit card payment, retailer information 2.0 connection to the VUB Bank. Customers can pay Maestro, MasterCard, Visa card, VisaElectron, and Diners Club.

"MasterCard SecureCode" and "verification" visa "standard payment gateway uses to store and e-payment gateway between the communication using https encryption.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart XML Product Import - Easy Parser

Posted by Unknown

This is a component of the XML feed imports retailer information products.

This is a component of the XML feed imports retailer information products. Simple XML elements mapped to the existing Virtuemart field. You can also create a new field.

Imports retailer information products, it will automatically create a category, or you can manually set the category of products will be imported.

You can import retailer information products from multiple data sources. An XML source, and then save it as a template, a separate field mapping.

Product Features:

Auto / normal import support - run by cron.
Product attributes and sub-product support
Predefined templates, Google SHOPING
Feed product that does not exist is hidden, not deleted.
Why to select retailers Info XML import?

To quickly import products from existing online store or XML feed
Products automatically update using XML
The possibility of extension products without loss of data (descriptions, pictures)
More resources for an electronics store
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart-OSE Credits TOP-up Plugin

Posted by Unknown

The retailer information OSE-integral plug-in allows you to purchase credit for OSE components retailer information online shops.
The integral component of the OSE provides access to content based on the Joomla credit - see article 5 credits subtracted from your credit card account.
The retailer information OSE-integral plug, allowing you to buy credits OSE ingredients in a retailer information online shops. The adjustment logic retailer information, You can use the convenience of e-commerce payment gateway connection.

Simple solution for premium content

OSE Ministry of Commerce component provides access to Joomla! Based on credits
The VirtueMart plugin lets you easily buy these credits through retailers information online shops
The retailer information can be convenient online payment
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Virtuemart Extensions - LESS Compiler

Posted by Unknown

LESS CSS is a modern Extensible Stylesheet Language, which is conducive to the creation and management style encoder. The purpose of this plugin is the easiest, most intuitive way to increase support for small to Joomla.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Domain Switcher

Posted by Unknown

This module generates a URL switching the form of a drop-down list. Simply redirected to another domain. It is suitable for large projects with several sites of a family.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Easy Articles Slideshow

Posted by Unknown

The module displays articles from more than one category in the javascript Article slider (rotor).
This is an enhanced version of the the article classification - mod_articles_category "module, it is in the basic Joomla! Distribution.

The module use the jQuery the technology and AnythingSlider repository -,.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Easy Project REST API plugin

Posted by Unknown

This plug-in for connection Joomla and simple project (project management platform) using XML REST API.

Version the 1.3 - JOOMLA1.5 compatible
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Virtuemart Extensions - Form2Content Plugin

Posted by Unknown

This plug-in replacement com_content links in Joomla! Links backend com_form2content. You can article as usual menu links (and all other content link).

Form2Content is a great expansion of CCK to create a consistent Joomla! Content. Open this plugin beautiful and simple Form2Content for ordinary users, replace the the management classic article links lead users directly F2C.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Google E-commerce Tracking Plugin for VirtueMart

Posted by Unknown

The plug-in connection to your online store, Google the expansion of e-commerce analysis, so it provides a more detailed description of your customers, orders and products.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart Heureka – Verified by Customers, Conversion Plugin

Posted by Unknown

It is very easy. Wwithout hacker attack code template - this plugin connect your online store Heureka (Czech online store product search engine) - validated by customers and report conversion Heureka.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Profile Changes Notifier

Posted by Unknown

Joomla2.5 review this plugin can change each user to edit his / her personal data. It checkes name, user name and e-mail. If any of this information varys for all administrators to send an e-mail, e-mail notification to switch.

Write what changes in the e-mail, the previous value is, what kind of value, it is changed.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Virtuemart Email Manager Pro

Posted by Unknown on 3/4/13

Use automatically trigger email retailer information
Existing customers, if properly engaged, can become your most loyal customers to buy more in the long run. The repeat customers improve profitability - cost to get a new customer than to retain an existing 6-7 times.

Now, for the first time, for retailer information e-mail management professional on autopilot, you can let your customer loyalty! How?

Email Management Professional is your own personal marketing. List of conditions and intelligent content automatically label, 24/7, to provide the right information delivered to the right customer, when you want them to get it. You can create your own e-mail marketing strategy, and increase repeat sales automatically.

E-mail management specialty retailer information, to save you time and money. It can help you to customize the content and automation of time, your marketing communications, let your customers get the personalized information - at the right time - automatically.

Marketing is all about sending the right information delivered to the right people at the right time!

List of features:

Includes all the features of the Email Manager 3.0!
Including dynamic Coupons plug free e-mail
Free ($ 20 value included in the e-mail AWO Dynamic Coupons plugin)
Edited retailer information e-mail using HTML editor.
Use unlimited e-mail template.
Sending abandoned cart recovery email.
Send drop shipping e-mail.
"Conditional content within the label template, perfect personalized e-mail.
Create infinite trigger e-mail.
Send awaken dormant customer phone email
In order to send a follow-up e-mail an unlimited number, any orders of the state!
Send different messages for different order status.
Registration send follow-up e-mail.
Complex conditions for movement.
Dynamic coupon codes and special parameters added in the internal mail
And more ...
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Virtuemart Extensions - VM Email Manager (v3.0.3) - Compatible with VirtueMart 2

Posted by Unknown

The Virtuemartemail management (v3.0.3) - compatible with retailer information

The mail edit retailer information has never been so easy!
Want to become a professional? Tired of editing Virtuemartlanguage files? Retailer information e-mail manager, you can easily edit using a simple user interface, the contents of the e-mail sent by the retailer information - without coding or hackers need!

Design your own HTML emails for each email type, such as an order confirmation, "I order status change", "registration".

Edit retailer information, e-mail, HTML editor. Very simple and user-friendly interface.
Add special parameters (including plug!) Within the dynamic coupon code e-mail.
Add all e-mail attachments template.
Send email order status change, only a particular state. Very powerful feature!
Edit order confirmation email.
Email modify the order status changes.
Editing send an order confirmation email storage management.
Edit customer registration email.
Add product thumbnail order confirmation email.
CC and BCC email (new!)
The article added to the e-mail, advanced tab (new)
Support advanced language tags from Virtuemartlanguage files! (VirueMart1.9 only!)
Use a separate label for all documents and goods sent to the field. Your customer address format.
Disable email from a specific order status (new!)
New custom field labels from "vm_user_info" DB table (new!)
Send e-mail templates to create HTML registered user management (new)
Able to add images / banners, e-mail (in your e-mail marketing content).
The option to enable / disable the e-mail type of information for each retailer.
Dynamic data injected into an e-mail using dynamic label (see list under "Dynamic Labels" tab above example).
Use a custom database fields from your system (orders and the USER_INFO Table).
Edit and update the retailer information e-mail text in five minutes!
Send a test e-mail, then use each type of the e-mails.
JOOMLA! Compatibility: 1.5.X, 1,6 the X, the 1.7.x, 2.5.x
VirtueMart compatibility: 2.x 1.1.9,1.1.8,1.1.7,1.1.6,1.1.5,1.1.4,1.1.3,1.1.2,1.1.1
PHP5 and above.
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Virtuemart Extensions - InteraMind 360 Suite For VirtueMart

Posted by Unknown

The Suite InteraMind360 a unique package InteraMind retailer information analysis and reporting extensions.

With 360 suites InteraMind, you can clearly analyze the various aspects of the performance of your storage:

Start your work with retailers information dashboard, get real-time, content-rich, highly visual reports exactly how to do for your business! Further in-depth analysis and trend analysis, features and more shopping! But be careful - the dashboard is very addictive ...

Use our advanced reporting components, seamlessly integrated into retailer information create custom storage report. View all the data on the screen, or download any CSV format and analyze it in any spreadsheet program.

Retailer Information Dashboard is the final entry point for your store, you provide immediate understanding of the health and performance of your store. The use of Google Gadgets and our proprietary GVStreamer technology, VM dashboard is just as much fun and easy to use as it is powerful.

With retailers information dashboard, it does not take more than a glimpse to view your store's key performance indicators. Other large visual charts, tables, maps, and instrumentation will help you to master - in a brief introduction about - your main indicators shop. However, this does not include: analysis of past performance, take a look at your orders piled up, find your customers, and more!

Vendor Information Dashboard "manager", so that they remain an important indicator of the top of the store, and can be used for company managers and business manager of the store.

Retailer information provided reports second-level storage data analysis. Use it to your chosen field, filtering, date, order status or product SKU generate reports.

Using advanced reports, each report is exported to OpenOffice or Excel for further offline analysis.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart Dashboard Extension

Posted by Unknown

In the statistics of the top retailers information at a glance

The retailer information dashboards company managers and business manager of the store to keep an important indicator of the top retailers information. Retailer Information dashboard will help you visualize and track the trends of your business in all levels as well as the activities of the main goals.

This is critical information by providing a unified view of the store, authorized managers to make the right decisions, and improve overall business performance.

Retailer Information Dashboard "InteraMind 360 Suite" package to your retailer information store provides all levels of analysis. Read more ...

View retailer information critical information at a glance.
Retailer information dashboard, it does not need more than a glance, view your store critical information. And other large visual charts, tables, maps, and instrumentation will help you master a simple key indicators tell us about your shop:
Each cycle the total orders income
List of orders for each cycle
Each cycle the top of the best-selling
By countries each period total order
Daily orders and 10 day moving average
Monthly income
Last week's average income compared to the month / year average
Each cycle state of the command
Top buying and most loyal customers (Advanced view)
People who bought this, also bought ... (Advanced view)
Product development trends in the past year (Premium)
State waiting list (Advanced view)
Drill down alternative view, save to Excel and other features
Retailer information dashboard provides these cool features that can help you understand your business easily and intuitively get an answer:

Filter by date - data you select any period by selecting the start and end dates, or select a pre-set filter one: "today", "yesterday", "last week", "last month", "last 3 months, "Over the past six months," last year, "All."
Intelligent visual design - each piece of information is the most effective way. By using the correct chart or table, we guarantee best viewed, and that these data.
Alternate views - retailers news and information, you can view some of the data in more than one way, for example, you can view the the order country in an interactive map of the world, or in a table, you can switch to view the same data.
Sort table - all of the data table can be sorted by any column. For example, you can sort the orders by the country table total order or national.
Drill down - sometimes you might want a more in-depth information display in the dashboard. Some of the views you do this, for example, in the "Order Status" table for each project is a link to open the list of retailers information in the command of the state.
Save to Excel - almost all views, even charts, allow you to save basic data as a CSV file for further offline analysis.
Fully customizable "-" to add or delete from the dashboard. Change the order of views in order to maximize efficiency.

Retailer information dashboard, you need a standard Joomla! (1.5) retailer information (version 1.1.2 or higher) installed + PHP 5.2 or later.
In less than five minutes, you can begin to visualize and track the key indicators of your store.

Once the installation is successful, you can free download the language file. The language file should be placed in the administrator / language / directory / administrator / language / FR-FR / French documents.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart Reports 3.0

Posted by Unknown

Retailer information report 3.0 - better reporting, direct to your inbox!
NEW - additional support for retailer information 2.0.2 + and Joomla 1.6 +

InteraMind retailer information report 3.0 is the latest version of our very popular InteraMind Reports components.

Retailer information report 3.0 allows you to create a detailed report of the many aspects of your store, on the screen to view these reports as a CSV file, you can open in Excel or OpenOffice Download!

Including reporting and default:

VirtueMart abandoned vehicle report (VM 1.1 only)
Vendor Information Order Report
Tax reporting
Product prices and inventory levels
Sales by product category
By the vendor sales
... And more!
The retailer information AutoMail function allows you - or whatever you choose - receive detailed, customized reports directly to your e-mail!
Add your custom VM user fields Orders statements, without having to change the code
Different columns in the report, the product attributes

Reports InteraMind 3.0 retailer information "InteraMind 360 Suite" package to your retailer information store provides all levels of analysis. Read more ...
Version 3.0 is now available for sale! !
New features: support (same components still support center Joomla 1.5 and 1.1 VirtueMart VirtueMart 2.0.2 and above and Joomla 1.6 and above)
New products: an additional filter, the field and reporting
The abandoned cart Report as 1.1 retailer information, including customer information and product list!
Your customers do not buy things in the past month, three months, or the year inactive customers report -
Filter products by category or SKU
AutoMail feature allows you - or whatever you choose - receive detailed, customized reports directly to your e-mail!
Add your custom VM user fields Orders statements, without having to change the code
Different columns in the report, the product attributes
Save report settings that you frequently use, one-button access! You can save multiple settings for each report.
Bookmark your favorite reports and access them with a single click from your browser!
Selected time span, such as the "last month", "Yesterday" and "this year" to avoid manually select the date, and each time you run the report.
Report! InteraMind retailer information in these custom built-in report report:

1. Powerful and most popular retailer information simple order report
2. Report - your orders piece by product category
3. Suppliers report - your order sheet suppliers
4. Simple report - View your current inventory levels and prices on all listings
5. Abandoned Shopping Cart Report (1.1 retailers WIRE) - The customer does not complete checkout, what is in their shopping cart (registered customers only)
6. Inactive customers report - your customers have not ordered anything in the past month, three months or a year
Retailer information reporting requirements JOOMLA! 1.5 or later (including 2.5), retailer information (1.1.2 or later, 2.0.2 or later) and PHP 5.
In less than a minute's time, you can start a professional production CSV report your storage management.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Targeted Marketing Plugin for VirtueMart

Posted by Unknown

Add conditional content the VM email management and order follow-up
One of the most effective methods of targeted marketing personal marketing to increase sales to existing customers!

Note: This plug-in is already included in the email InteraMind retailer information manager (VM2.0 VM1.9).

This advanced and simple plug-in can be the engine of growth to drive your Virtuemart shop by increased sales. Cross-selling, reward customer loyalty, meaningful information sent to customers, and more!
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Virtuemart Extensions - Dynamic AwoCoupon Codes - Plugin

Posted by Unknown

The retailer information email management the dynamic AwoCoupon code.
Significant increase customer loyalty and maintain personal coupons!

This is a very powerful plug-in, so you automaticaly generate new personal of AwoCoupons retailer information e-mail template. It has been included in our new Virtuemart free e-mail management professional.

Email Manager component, you can add it to the standard or use our free order follow-up plug - J1.5.

For example - "order confirmation" e-mail to your customers is a good opportunity for their next purchase gift certificates ... for only $ 19.99 - get it.
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Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart Product Review Followup

Posted by Unknown

The plug-in HTML e-mail sent by the client after X days, they write a product review by retailer information.
It is actually working for you 24/7, even when you're asleep ...

We know that, all contact with the customer should reflect your brand, and create a sales opportunity. One of the basic rules of marketing is to keep in touch with your customers.

This plug-in can be seamlessly integrated freedom "VirtuemartOrder follow up."

Following them to write a review, notify customers, a coupon for one of the best practices in customer margin ...

If you are looking for a way to add automatically trigger e-mail to your store, send abandoned cart recovery email, so that the sequence of the follow-up e-mail, follow-up e-mail user registration or simply wake up call to Sleep customers, you have to check our latest products: e-mail management specialty retailer information.

The best way to use this plug-in is one of the side end (free) Order thread plug contact with your customers:

Send command, subsequent orders are shipped within 14 days, require customers to write a short comment about the product. (Is a special label for the product links in the order follow-up plug-in).

Once the customer to write a review, the plug-in will follow-up the customer automatically send e-mail her next purchase special discounts for your store.

couorse, do not forget to motivate customers, coupons, and provided for her actions. You will be surprised to find your customers respond to this follow-up.

Be sure to write a personal, clear and brief e-mail. You can use of our VirtuemartTargetd marketing plug-ins to achieve better results :)

Customer loyalty can not be bought - it can only earn your caring attitude towards them. "VirtuemartReview follow-up" from InteraMind plug-in is a very simple tool to help you keep contact with your customers, improve the retention rate of your current consumers.
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Virtuemart Extensions - Dynamic Coupon Codes for VirtueMart Emails

Posted by Unknown

ramatically increase customer loyalty and retention of personal coupons!

Very powerful plug-in that lets you add dynamic coupons retailer information e-mail template. It has been included in our new Virtuemart Email Manager Pro and standard e-mail management. You can also use it to plug in our free Order follow.

If you are looking for a way to add automatically trigger e-mail to your store, send abandoned cart recovery email, so that the sequence of the follow-up e-mail, follow-up e-mail user registration or simply wake up call to Sleep customers, you have to check our latest products: e-mail management specialty retailer information.
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Virtuemart Extensions- Virtuemart Order Follow-Up

Posted by Unknown

The plug-in HTML e-mail sent by the client after X days, they issue commands and information through retailers.
It is actually working for you 24/7, even when you're asleep ...

We know that, all contact with the customer should reflect your brand, and create a sales opportunity. One of the basic rules of marketing is to keep in touch with your customers.

This simple retailers information order follow-up "plug does exactly that!

According to the survey, more than 70 percent of online shoppers will open and read the service or receive a confirmation e-mail within an hour.

If you are looking for a way to add automatically trigger e-mail to your store, send abandoned cart recovery email, so that the sequence of the follow-up e-mail, follow-up e-mail user registration or simply wake up call to Sleep customers, you have to check our latest products: e-mail management specialty retailer information.

Think about it. If you send an important e-mail within a few days of trading, it is likely your customer is still a very easy to accept the state of mind to you and your company. This not a presentation, which is an e-mail that somehow relates to a specific order. More importantly, your customers will open and read this e-mail does not delete a key ...

So why do so many companies still waste this great opportunity to up-sell and cross-sell, and to further strengthen customer relationships?

Under normal circumstances, this is because not recognized by the marketing department of the e-mail. They are usually from customer service. However, we know that all contact with customers should reflect your brand, create a sales opportunity.

Successful businessman know, 80% of the business comes from 20% of the customers. They also understand that to maintain good relations of cooperation with existing customers, and a lot less money lucrative returns.
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