The plug-in HTML e-mail sent by the client after X days, they write a product review by retailer information.
It is actually working for you 24/7, even when you're asleep ...
We know that, all contact with the customer should reflect your brand, and create a sales opportunity. One of the basic rules of marketing is to keep in touch with your customers.
This plug-in can be seamlessly integrated freedom "VirtuemartOrder follow up."
Following them to write a review, notify customers, a coupon for one of the best practices in customer margin ...
If you are looking for a way to add automatically trigger e-mail to your store, send abandoned cart recovery email, so that the sequence of the follow-up e-mail, follow-up e-mail user registration or simply wake up call to Sleep customers, you have to check our latest products: e-mail management specialty retailer information.
The best way to use this plug-in is one of the side end (free) Order thread plug contact with your customers:
Send command, subsequent orders are shipped within 14 days, require customers to write a short comment about the product. (Is a special label for the product links in the order follow-up plug-in).
Once the customer to write a review, the plug-in will follow-up the customer automatically send e-mail her next purchase special discounts for your store.
couorse, do not forget to motivate customers, coupons, and provided for her actions. You will be surprised to find your customers respond to this follow-up.
Be sure to write a personal, clear and brief e-mail. You can use of our VirtuemartTargetd marketing plug-ins to achieve better results :)
Customer loyalty can not be bought - it can only earn your caring attitude towards them. "VirtuemartReview follow-up" from InteraMind plug-in is a very simple tool to help you keep contact with your customers, improve the retention rate of your current consumers.
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