Virtuemart Extensions - VirtueMart Dashboard Extension

Posted by Unknown on 3/4/13

In the statistics of the top retailers information at a glance

The retailer information dashboards company managers and business manager of the store to keep an important indicator of the top retailers information. Retailer Information dashboard will help you visualize and track the trends of your business in all levels as well as the activities of the main goals.

This is critical information by providing a unified view of the store, authorized managers to make the right decisions, and improve overall business performance.

Retailer Information Dashboard "InteraMind 360 Suite" package to your retailer information store provides all levels of analysis. Read more ...

View retailer information critical information at a glance.
Retailer information dashboard, it does not need more than a glance, view your store critical information. And other large visual charts, tables, maps, and instrumentation will help you master a simple key indicators tell us about your shop:
Each cycle the total orders income
List of orders for each cycle
Each cycle the top of the best-selling
By countries each period total order
Daily orders and 10 day moving average
Monthly income
Last week's average income compared to the month / year average
Each cycle state of the command
Top buying and most loyal customers (Advanced view)
People who bought this, also bought ... (Advanced view)
Product development trends in the past year (Premium)
State waiting list (Advanced view)
Drill down alternative view, save to Excel and other features
Retailer information dashboard provides these cool features that can help you understand your business easily and intuitively get an answer:

Filter by date - data you select any period by selecting the start and end dates, or select a pre-set filter one: "today", "yesterday", "last week", "last month", "last 3 months, "Over the past six months," last year, "All."
Intelligent visual design - each piece of information is the most effective way. By using the correct chart or table, we guarantee best viewed, and that these data.
Alternate views - retailers news and information, you can view some of the data in more than one way, for example, you can view the the order country in an interactive map of the world, or in a table, you can switch to view the same data.
Sort table - all of the data table can be sorted by any column. For example, you can sort the orders by the country table total order or national.
Drill down - sometimes you might want a more in-depth information display in the dashboard. Some of the views you do this, for example, in the "Order Status" table for each project is a link to open the list of retailers information in the command of the state.
Save to Excel - almost all views, even charts, allow you to save basic data as a CSV file for further offline analysis.
Fully customizable "-" to add or delete from the dashboard. Change the order of views in order to maximize efficiency.

Retailer information dashboard, you need a standard Joomla! (1.5) retailer information (version 1.1.2 or higher) installed + PHP 5.2 or later.
In less than five minutes, you can begin to visualize and track the key indicators of your store.

Once the installation is successful, you can free download the language file. The language file should be placed in the administrator / language / directory / administrator / language / FR-FR / French documents.

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