Virtuemart Extensions - Product Comparison

Posted by Unknown on 3/4/13

Retailer information shopping cart product comparison extension allows you to compare two or more products side by side, to illustrate the similarities and differences.
Product comparison retailer information and retailer information 1.1.9 and Joomla 1.5.x extension compatible
Product comparison and retailer information 2.0.x version of Joomla 2.5.X, retailers extension of the information is not compatible
Product comparison retailer information and retailer information 1.0.x and 1.0.x the JOOMLA extension not compatible
Extensions need to modify the code, can not by JOOMLA installation program to install.

Features extension.
Products compared with the three configuration options, global, category and "no".
Global comparison - from two or more different types of products can be compared.
Classification comparison - can compare products from the internal class.
No - Compare disable.
Products can be removed, either from the compare cart or compare page.
Shoppers can add the product to the browse list flypage (product details page) from the comparison.
VirtueMart global layout configuration page, you can set the default comparison.
Class configuration may also be provided in addition to the default page template. The classification category comparison only when the page template will be used to compare type =.
The user can customize the Browse page independent compare_cart template.
Browse and flypage new compare_cart label templates. Can be placed anywhere on the browse page or flypage $ compare_cart,. Compare the layout of the car to determine the 6 described by compare_cart template.
Increase a compare_cart_product template. Now the user can edit the template can customize the display of individual compare product thumbnails and delete button.
The user can set which areas in the global configuration comparison. If you need additional control, the user can compare custom template.
In addition to the normal product in the field, the type field of the product can also be compared. Parameter field will be automatically added to the comparison table. If a parameter field is not comparable, the user can modify the template to disable the comparison.
Added to the "ban" option, category relatively neglected category from the choice of the global model to compare

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