
Posted by Unknown on 3/6/13

Based on Joomla MVC framework advantages:
- Template overwritting,
Joomla plugin - implementation: the method of payment, shipping, coupons, calculation rules, custom product fields, ...
- Simple installation and integration of Joomla extensions.

- Nested class
- Meta tags search engine optimization
- Description and media

- Meta tags search engine optimization
- A description of the short-term and long-term
- Size (weight by volume)
- A variety of media
- Variant property
- Unlimited level of children's products and derivatives
- Mode (the mode of the parent product as children's products)
- Related Products
- Review and Ratings

- Price depends on shoppergroups
- Price, Christie shoppergroups and
- Payment / shipment according shoppergroups

- Customizable shoppers entered in the form
- The input form depends on registration, checkout or shipment
- Completely anonymous Checkout
- Adressbook
- Default Bill "and ship to address
- Default payment and mode of transport

Inventory / Inventory
- Stocking / inventory
- Stock warning
- Virtual stock (ordered but not finally bought)

- A variety of different types of display the price depends shoppergroup
- Shoppers want to buy the currency price adjustments
- Each currency currency format
- Price
- Based on the number of pricing

True multi-currency
- Automatic update rate
- Add your own currency fixed exchange rate

- Default SEF / SEO integrated

Power calculator
- Discounts based on time, category, shoppergroup, the State and the State
- Based on time, category, shoppergroup, national and state tax
- Discounts, product taxes and / or command
- Discounts, tax its own currency (duties)

Terms of Payment
- Based plugin: PayPal, PayZen Systempay, withdrawals, Klarna, Heidelpay
- The amount of the minimum / maximum usage payment
- Transaction costs
- National
- Shopping tour

- Based on the plug
- Shopping tour
- National

- Guest Checkout completely anonymous Checkout
- Choose to register at the beginning of checkout
- The car is an object, competly rewriting template
- The car is stored in the session
- 1-click checkout
- Multi-page checkout
- A checkout page (rather than default)

- Payment / delivery process
- History
- Modify
- Anonymous user order tracking

- Latest
- TOPTEN (most popular)
- New
- Features
- Sort
- Searchable

- Local and Joomla 1.7
- Additional JOOMLA components (joomfish) JOOMLA 1.5

Marketing and Tools
- Coupon processing
- Links Recommended Products
- Consumers who buy products

- Hidden debugging tool

2.0.4 + is a secure version of everyone using the 2.0.3 or lower must be updated as soon as possible.

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